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News: 2005

Governor Signs Bill Granting Extensions For Oyster Lease Renewals And Annual Rent For Oyster Leases
Posted: 11/30/05

Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco has signed House Bill 8, crafted during the recent legislative special session, giving oyster leaseholders an additional 60 days to renew their leases and an additional 120 days to pay annual rent.

The bill, co-authored by Reps. Ken Odinet, Gary Beard, William Daniel, Carla Dartez, Mickey Frith, Brett Geymann, Karen St. Germain, Ernest Wooten and Sen. Nick Gautreaux, provides that oyster leases expiring on Jan. 1 and normally renewed within 60 days of their expiration can now be renewed as late as May 1, 2006. The last day to pay oyster lease annual rent will be July 1, 2006.

Louisiana's oyster industry consistently ranks number one in domestic oyster production, providing more than 30 percent of the U.S. harvest and $300 million in retail sales as recently as 2003. Oystermen have resumed harvest efforts in oyster beds closed temporarily by both storms as a precautionary measure. Infrastructure damage to docks and processing plants is still being addressed with temporary support facilities in many areas.

Leaseholders whose addresses have changed from last year are asked to contact the LDWF Oyster Lease Survey Section with a current address. All oyster lease business is being conducted at LDWF Headquarters at 2000 Quail Drive, Suite 259, Baton Rouge, LA 70808.

For additional information, contact the LDWF Oyster Lease Survey Section at
225-765-2940 or on the section's Web site at http://oysterweb.dnr.state.la.us/oyster/.

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